What do you see?
What do you see? is a short film that gives insight into Bristol Muslim women’s visions of the public spaces of the future, including City Hall, a mosque, a market square, the Houses of Parliament and the United Nations.
Inspiring Muslim Women
The following videos were developed for the Connected Communities Festival in 2015.
Back to topAcademic publications
- Lewicki, Aleksandra, Therese O’Toole and Tariq Modood (2014) Building the Bridge: Muslim Community Engagement in Bristol, Research Report, Bristol: Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol. See full report (PDF, 1.8MB)
- Aleksandra Lewicki & Therese O’Toole (2017) Acts and practices of citizenship: Muslim women’s activism in the UK, Ethnic and Racial Studies. See full report.
- Aabe N et al (2015) Enhancing Spaces for Muslim Women’s Engagement, Policy Briefing (PDF, 1MB)
- Productive Margins Collective(2015) Recognising your potential, 6 Policy workshops, Bristol. Download workshop template (PDF, 454kB).
The Exhibition Bristol Big Sisters (PDF, 14MB), in collaboration with the national Muslim Women’s Network UK
Back to topArtwork
- David & Jones: Paper City, 2015
- Enhancing Muslim engagement in local democratic governance, Thinking Futures: The University of Bristol’s Festival of Social Sciences and Law, 2012. View day program.
- Productive Spaces of Muslim Women’s Engagement in Bristol
- Inspiring Muslim Women, 23 September 2014, University of Bristol. See Publicspirit article.
- Enhancing Muslim Women’s Participation, 8 pilot workshops, 2014, Bristol